Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Upwork Proposal Tips Win Big Projects (EXPERT ADVICE)

Upwork Proposal Tips To be successful when working from home, you first must get the job. And in the case of Upwork, that means being able to submit a winning proposal. In this article, I’m going to give you some Upwork proposal tips that you can follow when applying for jobs on Upwork. Upwork Proposal Tips I’ve worked full-time from home over  the last five years, and in that time, 90% of my clients have come from Upwork. I have been so successful on this platform  that I quit my full-time job in 2011 and I now work exclusively from home. I’m a top-rated freelancer, most of my clients would recommend me, and I am regularly invited to interview for jobs. In fact, I turn down interviews weekly because my work schedule is full. Know Your Strengths When applying for jobs on Upwork, it’s important to understand what you’re best at. Knowing your strengths is the first of several Upwork proposal tips that will help you land clients. If you dont have good phone skills, then applying for jobs  on Upwork that   require a phone interview is not wise. If you aren’t good with deadlines, don’t apply for a job that mentions â€Å"meeting deadlines† as a priority. Getting positive feedback from clients will help you win future bids, and disappointing clients now will stop you from getting any in the future. The more you know about your strengths,  the more selective you can be and  the more success you will have. Be Selective There are hundreds of jobs posted on Upwork daily in a variety of different categories. There is no way that you could apply for them all or even look at them. Take advantage of the categories setting to narrow down the jobs. Then use the search feature to narrow the list further. Set a schedule and treat applying for jobs on Upwork as a regular part of your day. Once you have a good list of jobs currently available, analyze each posting to find jobs that will be the best fit for your skills, the time you have available, and the money you want to earn. Being selective about the postings you respond to is one of our  key Upwork proposal tips to help you submit winning proposals. Read the Entire Job Posting One of the mistakes that many newbies make is that they do not carefully read a job posting before deciding whether to apply for a job. Clients receive multiple job proposals for each posting they make. Sometimes, this means hundreds of proposals to sort through. For this reason, many clients will include a word or a phrase or some other specific instruction within their job posting. If you submit a proposal that does not follow the instruction given in their posting, it can result in an automatic decline. Including a specific instruction in the job posting is a standard client trick that saves time. It gives clients a quick way to eliminate many proposals from freelancers who don’t pay attention to details. Would you hire someone who couldn’t follow directions? When it comes to Upwork proposal tips, not getting disqualified automatically is the simplest one. Customize Your Proposal If you know your strengths, are selective about the jobs you choose and carefully follow the instructions given in the job posting, you will be able to customize your proposal for each job easily. Customizing your proposal is one of the most critical Upwork proposal tips. Look at what the client wants in their job posting and specifically tell them what skills you have that make you a good fit. Many clients will automatically decline any proposals they get that have a cookie cutter feel to them. If clients begin to see you as a lazy freelancer who just copies and pastes the same proposal for every job posting, it can become difficult to get any response from clients at all. You can’t win jobs if clients won’t even consider your proposals. Put Your Best Foot Forward It’s easy to recommend customizing your proposal, but how do you do that well? Every proposal you submit should highlight why you are a good fit for the job. Are they looking for a travel writer? Then include any actual travel experience you have. If you haven’t traveled much, give them other reasons why you’re a good fit. Let them know if you have a subscription to every travel magazine under the sun or if you have an uncle that’s a world traveler as a resource. If it’s not clear from the job posting which of your skills will be the most helpful, then spell out any special things that other freelancers may not make a priority or emphasize. Are you a native English speaker or do you have a perfect score on a specific Upwork test that relates to the job? Are you obsessed with detail? Do you triple check all your work or offer a full refund if the client is not 100% satisfied? These Upwork proposal tips are little things that can help you to win the job over another freelancer when the client is seeking  the best candidate. Upwork Proposal Tips:  Last  Tip Clients who have been burned before will always review your profile and your previous work before awarding you a job. They will review your test scores, read feedback from other clients, and look at your portfolio samples. Going above and beyond to make sure your client is happy is a great way to ensure good feedback. So, for this reason, my final Upwork proposal tip is to do your best work for every single client! And that’s it. The key to being successful when  working from home is to perfect the art of submitting a winning job proposal. If you follow the Upwork proposal tips above, you’ll make it very easy for clients to see that you are the best candidate for their job. For clients who may be overwhelmed with proposals from desperate freelancers, easy is a welcome relief. And for clients who are seriously looking to choose the most qualified candidate, a customized proposal that outlines why you are the best fit is a no-brainer. Submit a winning proposal every time. After that, it’s just a matter of submitting enough proposals every day until your work schedule is full.

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