Saturday, August 31, 2019

Provide Support for Mobility

Provide support for mobility (HSC 2002) Outcome 1 Understand the importance of mobility 1. define mobility Mobility is defined as, * being able to move or be moved freely and easily * the ability to move physically * The ability to move a part of the body 2. explain how different health conditions may affect and be affected by mobility No matter an individuals age, level of disability or infirmity it is important that everyone maintains some level of exercise. There are a vast range of disabilities and conditions which can result in mobility difficulties.Some of the most common on-going or permanent conditions result from muscular and skeletal disabilities and from on-going medical conditions which affect mobility. Some examples of disabilities and conditions which can have an impact on mobility are: Back and neck problems, accidents or injury leading to long term disability, arthritis and any other condition affecting the joints, dementia, amputation, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosi s, partial or total paralysis, cerebral palsy and head injury.Other conditions such as respiratory and cardiac diseases, epilepsy, diabetes, cancer and AIDS can all have an impact on co-ordination, dexterity, strength, speed and stamina. There are a vast range of health conditions which can be improved by mobility, here are a few. After an individual has suffered a stroke areas of their body will be weak and it is important that a physiotherapist devises a programme of exercise to strengthen the weak areas in order to regain the mobility.After joint surgery such as hip replacement exercise is key to making a full recovery and mobility of the joint. For individuals who are asthmatic or with chest problems, exercise can expand airways to make breathing easier. 3. outline the effects that reduced mobility may have on an individual’s well-being Both mobility and physical difficulties, and regular or constant pain can impact on an individual’s overall sense of wellbeing. So me people may be affected at times by low-self esteem and self confidence, and motivational difficulties.Keeping mobile is extremely important for health and for giving an individual increased self esteem and a sense of well being. It is vital as we get older to maintain our mobility, to help us remain active as an elderly person and avoid having to sit in a chair all day. Being mobile enables individuals to remain independent. Being able to go when and where they want when they want without having to rely on others for assistance can make a major difference to individuals lives. 4. describe the benefits of maintaining and improving mobility.It is important to maintain and improve mobility and this can be done through exercise. The benefits of exercise for any individual regardless of the level of their disability are both physical and an emotional improvement in their condition. Physically exercise increases heart and lung activity which improves and strengthens the cardiovascular system, which controls breathing and blood circulation. Physical exercise also increases the use of muscles which improves the muscles strength and tone. It also improves sleep and burns calories to keep our weight balanced.Frequent and regular physical exercise boosts the immune system, and helps prevent the â€Å"diseases of affluence† such as heart disease, cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes and obesity. It also improves mental health, helps prevent depression and helps to promote or maintain positive self esteem. By maintaining and improving an individual’s mobility it will increase their independence and freedom to choose actions and destinations. Outcome 2 Be able to prepare for mobility activities The learner can: 1. gree mobility activities with the individual and others Exercise can be both formal and informal. It could also take place as a group or as an individual. Exercise as a formal programme will be assessed by a physiotherapist and will help to inc rease mobility, improve strength stamina or suppleness. An exercise programme has usually been devised by a specialist in order to meet a specific outcome, so it is important to encourage the individual to follow the programme by explaining it’s importance and getting them to agree with it.You need to carry out an exercise programme exactly as specified in the care plan and record and report the outcomes and any problems at each step. Others involved in an individual’s mobility activities could include an occupational therapist, physiotherapist, G. P. or community nurse. If the mobility activities are less formal and the outcome required is to maintain the individual’s mobility on a daily basis this can be done through active support and encouragement. You should encourage the individual to do things for themselves and participate in activity and exercise where possible.An example would be to encourage their participation in household activities You should ident ify and agree with the individual the best way for them to maintain their mobility and any preferences to the form of exercise they prefer. It is important to ensure the individual agrees as it is important they are willing to participate in order for the programme to work. 2. remove or minimise hazards in the environment before beginning a mobility activity It is important to carry out a risk assessment of the environment prior to beginning a mobility activity.This is to ensure the health and safety of the individual and yourself and prevent any accidents or injuries from occurring. You need to carry out a risk assessment in relation to both the activity and the individual. This will include * The floor surface is safe and free of trip hazards * The support the individual needs in the area of equipment and number of carers * Ensure any walking aids to be used are being used properly and have been measured correctly for size of the individualIf the individual is wheelchair bound or bed bound * Ensure the chair/bed is stable and the brakes are on 3. check the suitability of an individual’s clothing and footwear for safety and mobility The individual should be wearing comfortable, easy wear clothing items to allow for mobility and unrestricted movement. Shoes should be comfortable and firm and offer good support and with non slip soles. The correct type of clothing is also important to preserve an individual’s dignity if they are bending and stretching. . check the safety and cleanliness of mobility equipment and appliances. Any equipment used should be checked to ensure it is safe and clean before use. Any walking aids should be measured correctly and be the correct size for the individual. Usually any equipment to be used will be recommended by a professional such as a physiotherapist or occupational therapist, who will ensure the individual can used the aid correctly and safely. Walking sticks – for an individual needing some support, mai nly to give confidenceTo ensure a walking stick is the correct height for the individual you need to ask them to hold the stick in the hand opposite their â€Å"bad† side if there is one otherwise in their dominant hand eg right or left handed. Their hand should be level with the top of their thigh when resting on the stick, elbow slightly bent, shoulders level. Ensure the ferrule (suction foot) is not worn to avoid the stick slipping when leant on. Quadrupeds and tripods – for individuals who have difficulty walking on one particular leg Quadrupeds are for individuals with very poor mobility in one leg such as hip r knee degeneration or stroke. To ensure this is the correct size use the same method as described for the walking stick and again check the ferrules are not worn. Walking frames – for individuals needing considerable support Again use the same method to measure if they are the correct size as with the walking stick and again check the ferrules are no t worn. Wheelchair All wheelchairs should be fitted with the appropriate cushions to minimise the risk of developing pressure area problems Outcome 3 Be able to support individuals to keep mobile 1. romote the active participation of the individual during a mobility activity Active participation is a way of working that recognises an individual’s right to participate in the activities of everyday life as independently as possible; the individual is regarded as an active partner in their own care or support, rather than a passive recipient. It is important to encourage active participation of the individual during a mobility exercise through encouragement and support. You should encourage them to stretch just a little more or try one more repetition, providing it is following the set plan of care.Instead of clearing away their crockery after a meal, encourage them to assist you where possible. Don’t use a wheelchair to move an individual around just because it is quicke r. It is important to give an individual the time to do things at their pace rather than at yours. Sometimes a specific piece of equipment may be able to be used to assist the individual to participate in the move. For example – an individual may be able to transfer themselves from a wheelchair to a chair either by the use of a transfer board or simply by sing their upper body strength to slide across, once you have removed the wheelchair arm for them. This encourages the individual to exercise their upper body muscles and actively participate in the move, rather than you using a hoist to transfer them. 2. give feedback and encouragement to the individual during mobility activities. It is important to encourage and support an individual during mobility activities. This will increase their confidence and affect how well the individual carries out the activity.It is also important to ensure that the exercise is not too difficult or painful for the individual as this will make t hem reluctant to participate. Always report this if the individual is suffering pain or discomfort during the activity. Discuss any reluctance they may have to participate with them especially if the plan of care advises they are capable of the activity. It may be a lack of confidence or fear of falling which is stopping them from participating. Gentle encouragement, support and discussion will encourage the individual to be more willing to attempt the activity.Never be tempted to change the exercise activity which a physiotherapist has recommended, because an individual finds it easier as this could cause further mobility problems or pain. You can give an individual feedback on their improved mobility. Remind them of how much they have improved since starting the mobility activities, for example, â€Å"When you started these moves Mrs B you could only do five repetitions now you can do fifteen and twice as quickly†. Outcome 4 Be able to observe, record and report on activiti es to support MobilityThe learner can: 1. observe an individual to monitor changes and responses during a mobility activity As a carer you are in a good position to be able to monitor changes and responses to an individual’s mobility activity. These observations are vital when planning the care an individual needs. If you observe the individual having difficulties or improvements in their mobility, if the individual complains of pain or suffers the loss of confidence in a particular technique, it is important to report and record this.Who you report these changes to, will depend on the plan of care but it could be your senior or manager, the GP, community nurse, occupational therapist or physiotherapist. For example As a carer it may be your role to encourage and monitor how many times an individual is able to squeeze a rubber ball, to strengthen their hand and arm muscles after a stroke. By counting and reporting on the number of repetitions carried out you will enable the p hysiotherapist to see any improvements in the individual’s mobility. 2. record observations of mobility activityRecording an individual’s progress on a mobility activity is important. You need to carry out an exercise programme exactly as specified in the care plan and record and report the outcomes and any problems at each step. This is necessary as the physiotherapist will need to review what progress the individual is making, so that the exercise programme can be adjusted as and when needed. You will need to note how often the individual carried out the exercises and if you noticed any improvement to their flexibility or strength, alertness, general level of fitness and mobility.This should be recorded in the care plan notes. 3. report on progress and/or problems relating to the mobility activity including: * choice of activities If an individual enjoys a particular form or type of mobility activity, this should be recorded so that other are aware. It should also be reported to the person in charge of their mobility activity plan eg Physiotherapist. They will then be able to write an exercise plan to suit the individual based on the type of activities they enjoy.There are numerous mobility activities which individuals could take part in, some as a group activity and some as individuals, formal and informal. It is important that an individual agrees with the activity and also cooperates in it otherwise the activity will not take place or benefit them. * Equipment * Appliances These are items which assist an individual to become or continue to be mobile, by providing support. This includes walking sticks, crutches, quadrupeds and walking frames, transfer boards, wheelchairs, mobility scooters etc.It is important to monitor and regularly check how an individual is progressing when using any type of mobility appliance or equipment. As their mobility changes so might the aid they need for support change. If an individual has been using mobility equ ipment or appliance for support, whilst recovering from an injury or illness, it is important to encourage them to manage without it, before they become too dependent on it. If you feel an individual is not managing to use an appliance or piece of equipment correctly or safely, you should report this immediately the support provided. It is important to immediately report on any problems regarding the mobility support provided to an individual. This could be that you feel the support is inadequate or even excessive. For example the plan of care advises two carers assist the individual to move with the aid of a hoist, where you feel one carer would be sufficient as the individual is able and willing to use a transfer board, because their mobility had improved. You should always report accurately any observations you make regarding an individual’s support needs.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Change in the Nuclear Family Essay

Everyone on the planet has a family, but not everyone sees eye to eye about what constitutes as a â€Å"real† family. Since WWII, the structure of the American family has been constantly changing. The â€Å"normal† American family is known as the nuclear family, with a mother, father, son, daughter, and occasionally, a pet. But as time has progressed, the nuclear family has had to make room for larger families, single parent families, biracial families, and families with step and half relatives in them. After WWII, the American family’s structure changed drastically, with many types of families appearing, aside from the nuclear family structure. The baby boom led to larger families and an increase of child births and the women’s right movement and counterculture played part in the rise of single parent households. With minorities gaining more rights, more biracial households started to appear, while couples’ decisions to get divorces led to step families and half siblings in families. The definition of a â€Å"normal† American family has been continuously changing since the 50s, but no matter what anyone says, it is still a family. During World War II, American families were disarrayed. With approximately 16 million soldiers leaving their families and going to war, households in America were left in distress (nationalww2museum). Many men had to abandon their work positions to go to war, which left many jobs vacant. The women of America had to step up and fill the missing men’s positions in the work force, meaning many children were left parentless during the day, â€Å"In 1940 only 8. 6% of mothers with children younger than 18 were in the work force† (Boschee). Though 8. 6% does not seem high, it is higher than the percent of women employed ever before at that time. Employed women with children under the age of 18 were leaving many â€Å"latchkey children† unsupervised during working hours, causing the rate of juvenile delinquency to rise (Todd). Other children were left under the watchful eye of close friends or relatives while their mother was working. Older sons and daughters in the family also had to assume new and unfamiliar roles to help support their family while the money maker in the family was away at war. Once the war ended, and the surviving soldiers returned to their home soil in the U. S. , he familial structure in America started to change with a massive increase of births. After World War II finally came to an end, a new era started; which raised the number of children born into American families. This period of time in America’s history is known as the Baby Boom and it is when the number of births increased dramatically. During the first year of the Baby Boom, the birth rate was incredible, â€Å"In 1946, the first year of the Baby Boom, new births in the U. S. skyrocketed to 3. 47 million births. New births continued to grow throughout the 1940s and 1950s, leading to a peak in the late 1950s with 4. million births in 1957 and 1961† (Todd). The increase of births meant that more households that previously didn’t have children now housed kids and houses that already had children contained even more. The air smelled of enthusiasm and confidence during the years immediately following WWII, â€Å"Exhilaration and optimism after the war seemed to combine with a general feeling of affluence in a booming postwar economy, and generous provisions for returning GIs, to make young couples feel able and willing to support children† (Macunovich). The Baby Boom era paved a path for the nuclear family to be created, with the mother, father, son, and daughter living in a quiet little suburb with a picket white fence and a golden retriever playfully chasing the kids. But to many closed-minded American’s horror, the nuclear family succumbed to â€Å"out of the norm† family structures, with more and more single parents appearing. The rise of single-parenthood was partly on account of the counterculture, which was created because of the social and political events that happened in the 1950s. The counterculture movement â€Å"prompted many people to question traditional boundaries† (Roberts). This meant that many people had freer attitudes towards cultural norms like hairstyles, types of music, and drug use. Also, a teeming amount of people under the age of 30 had freer attitudes towards sexual relationships, with one poll showing that almost two thirds of Americans over the age of 30 were against sex before marriage, while a majority of Americans under the age of 29 were not (Roberts). Because so many Americans were having premarital sex, single parent households started to show up more often. With the two who took part in the once sacred act usually going separate ways after they had sex, the female was always left alone with a baby to bear, if she was to become pregnant. The counterculture also led to an increase of out-of-wedlock births (Himmelfarb). Both things being something most Americans living in that time period were not used to seeing. Although the counterculture movement played a big role in introducing more single-parent households into American society, it is not the only event that catalyzed more changes in the structure of American families. By the end of the 1960s, a new movement called the Women’s Rights Movement, also contributed to the rise of single-parent homes in the nation. During this second wave of feminism, women were more determined to gain equal rights. In 1963, the Equal Pay Act was passed, which ended gender discrimination in the work force, including wage (Women Deserve Equal). Because the women felt like they could depend more on themselves, they did not have to marry a man to support her family. Many militant feminists referred to marriage as â€Å"slavery† and â€Å"legalized rape† (Mintz). Some of the women that felt that way still wanted children though; just not a man to bind her to the house. Thus, creating another reason that single-parenthood started to make more appearances in American households. The counterculture and the second women’s rights movement changed the structure of American family structure in a way that made single parents more abundant throughout the nation; the civil rights movement changed the familial structure by mixing races. When African Americans gained more rights, it caused consternation to bubble up in racist Americans, while the accepting American community rejoiced and felt a better sense of security if they were to form a biracial family. The Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1964 were two major acts passed by the U. S. government that gave minorities more rights and protection against racist groups like the Ku Klux Klan (Lapsansky-Werner). Biracial families were once illegal in some states, â€Å"Forty years ago, the U. S.  Supreme Court overturned a state law in Virginia that prohibited whites from marrying non-whites. The ruling in Loving v. Virginia invalidated similar bans in 15 other states† (Powell). After biracial couples could get married legally, mixed race households became more apparent. The ruling in Loving v. Virginia made a big impact on the familial structures in America. The statistics of biracial marriages has definitely rose, as seen in these statistics, â€Å"†¦black-white marriages increased from 65,000 in 1970 to 422,000 in 2005, according to Census Bureau figures† (After 40 Years). More black-white marriages have led to more children with both black and white genes. In addition to more biracial families being introduced into American society, more families with more complex structures started to appear, as well. When married couples get divorced they usually get remarried, which can lead to step and half relatives. During the 60s, fifty-two percent of women who got married were pregnant and they got married to avoid having a child out of wedlock (Shiono). This being said, it is safe to say that over half of married couples had at least one child during their marriage. Forty-five to fifty percent of first marriages end in divorce (Baker). Many people get remarried after divorcing their first spouse, with seventy five percent of people who have gone through a divorce becoming remarried (Stewart). When the father or mother gets remarried, there is always a chance his or her new spouse has children of their own already, creating step-siblings for the child they had during their first failed marriage. If the two new spouses decide to have another child, half-siblings are born. With more and more divorces and remarriages, families with half and step siblings are more likely to be found throughout the nation’s homes. Many people call homes that suffer from a divorce a â€Å"broken home,† but in reality, it is just another chance for a family to have one more shot at finding its â€Å"Happily Ever After. † Change is something that comes with life and it is something that the American family structure is no stranger to, going through constant changes throughout the years. Going from the nuclear family structure to families with more than two kids, families being raised by one parent, and families with step and half siblings, are all changes that the familial structure in America has encountered. Change in the nation’s family structure is inevitable, whether it is being brought on by an increased number of births, movements that challenge everyday thinking or ones that demand more rights. Even something like a failed marriage’s result have brought about changes in family structure in the U. S. Every family is built from different bricks but they all have the same mortar- love.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Web site design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Web site design - Essay Example Customers engage personally with the company through making their orders online. As such, they can specify the exact requirements of their order, i.e. the color, flavor, taste and type of the Pizzas they want through the online platform, just as simply as making an order at a brick and mortar restaurant. This web site enabled PizzaHut to transform significantly from operating as a Quick Serve Restaurant (QSR) to an elevated online retailer providing convenience and efficiency to its customers. Once the customers make an order through the website, the company takes upon the duty of delivering their orders at their preferred premises within the stipulated times (Butler, 2012). Several elements of website design exist that a company should incorporate in order to make its website a success. As such, also had to engage these in developing its site. These include the website context, the website content, the website customization, the website communications, the website commerce, website communities on site, and the website connection designs elements. incorporates all these elements in a great deal. For instance, the website context provides its customers with the ability to make online purchases and order without necessarily having to go to the restaurants. The website content is rich enough to enable the customers make an informed purchase, i.e. includes offers of the day, special deals and promotional campaigns hosted by the company. Website customization enables clients to customize their orders according to their tastes and preferences, such as express checkout and movie night offers. In addition, website communications come with ease of using the site, i.e. its color, style and appearance, thereby enabling shoppers to do easy shopping. Website commerce supports the business wing of the company enabling shoppers to make purchases through various applications such as on Facebook, on twitter, on iPhones and

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Queen Margaret University College Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Queen Margaret University College - Essay Example Furthermore, each discipline consists of two schools. The discipline of health and social sciences consists of School of Health Science and School of Social Sciences, Media, and Communication. On the other hand the discipline of business and arts consists of School of Business and Enterprise and School of Drama and Creative Industries. The current property and location of the college is in not in proper condition and at the same time is inflexible and not fit for purpose. Despite of the large amount of space the campus cannot be altered according to the needs and requirements. For this reason the overall utilisation rate is considerable low. Business Objectives: The main objective out of this project implementation and management is to increase the flexibility of the campus along with the increasing utilisation of the space allocated in order to increase the overall efficiency of the campus and reduce the cost associated with the whole process. Apart from this other objectives are to : Rationalise the property or estate of the campus and to replace the outdated facilities and space with the new one In order to come up with appropriate strategy for the space utilisation and to achieve use the space in efficient and effective manner. Increase the flexibility and versatility of the space and property in order to change it according to the changing requirements of the campus and schools. Problem Statement: The management of Queen Margaret University College is facing serious problems and issues with regard to the current estate of the college. Some of the problems and issues being faced by the management of Queen Margaret University College are as follow: The estate at Corstophine was in very bad condition as the property performed worst during the overall condition survey in the region. The room sizes in the campus were not according to the requirements of the school. The campus at Corsatophine was previously designed and being used for fulfilling the needs of the hospitality discipline and thus was not suitable for the classes of health and drama and for this reason cannot be altered. The campus at the Lieth site was also inflexible in reference to the use of the space. As Queen Margaret Univesity College has divided its schools and disciplines into different facilities therefore the management has to face the cost of the duplicate facilities. The current estate is reported to have low levels of utilisation during the utilisations surveys. At the same time it was also found that the existing facilities provided in the campus were not according to the needs and requirements of the teachers and research. Although the overall space and the of space per student full time equivalents was considerable in amount but due to the inflexibility it is not possible to alter it according to the needs and requirements of the students and teachers in order to increase the overall utilisation rate. Critical Assumption and Constraints: According to the manage ment of the college it was not beneficial and cost effective to invest in the current estate and property and it will be beneficial to shift to a new location which is not only small but is also flexible. At the same time the management has to be considerate about the environmental and financial constraints. The new campus should not only be financial sustainable but also environmentally sustainable. Also, the new campus will be financially supported by the amount gained through the disposal of the campus sites at Corstophine and Leith. Apart from the financial constraints the organisation also kept in mind the environmental constraints in order to make sure that there are no compliance issues and all laws and regulations are followed in appropriate manner.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Structured Essays Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Structured Essays - Essay Example The fear of a German uprising was no longer in the minds of the French as all the land that Germany was required to hand over was returned; the most important regions being Alsace and Lorraine. Germany's army was down sized to a maximum of 100,000 men; they were denied the use of tanks. The air force was disbanded and the navy was only allowed to staff and operate six ships; however, no submarines were allowed to remain operational. The land fifty kilometres east of the Rhine was pronounced a demilitarised zone, where no soldier with a weapon could enter. Overseas land previously owned by Germany was given to different European countries. The Saar, Danzig and Memel were put under the control of the League of Nations. One of the more important outcomes was the "War Guilt Clause" that required Germany to take on full responsibility for starting the war. This was important as it would show the world France's reason for participation in the war was only to defend against the German attacks. This also meant that Germany would have to pay reparations to France for the physical damage caused during the war. Wilson was very pleased because as a result of the Paris Peace Conference his vision of the League of Nations had become a reality. ... He said as much: "To promote international co-operation and to achieve international peace and security." (Wilson) The cost of creating the League was losing his other 13 original ideology points to gain the global support that was necessary to start the League and make it a success. As the post-war world was in struggle of finding peace, there were a lot of countries intrigued by the international organisation that promised to bring the world peace. Wilson was of a peace loving nature and was clearly angered by the great number of restrictions Germany had to agree to in the Treaty as well as all the reparations they had to make. The harsh conditions that were imposed on Germany embarrassed and shamed Wilson. Nevertheless, he was very satisfied with the start of the League of Nations. One fact to be noted is that reparations to the United States were not mandated in the Treaty. It is true that the losses of the United States were not on the same scale as Britain and France because of their late entrance into the war. Lloyd-George was perhaps the least satisfied with the final terms of the treaty because of Clemenceau's persistence to bankrupt the German economy. As Lloyd-George's key point was to keep Germany's economy as stable as possible so as to increase European market strength, he was not happy with the end result. Most people in Great Britain had wished for revenge on Germany, and indeed received satisfaction as many of Germany's colonies went to Lloyd-George such as Egypt and parts of China, including important, major trading ports. These acquisitions greatly enriched great Britain's economy, a large amount of wealth coming from the

Monday, August 26, 2019

Chemistry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Chemistry - Essay Example The anions and cations can be varied to get the required end product. Ionic liquids have large anions and cations of low symmetry to reduce the lattice energy and reduce the melting point of the salts. Anions contribute towards the functions and chemistry of ILs and cations contribute towards the variable physical properties and stability of ILs (BÃ" §hme 2006). Ionic salts can be simple salts i.e. made up of one type of anion and cation or binary ionic liquids which are a mixture of two salts with varying melting points depending on their composition. Ionic liquids are used to substitute traditional solvents like volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) for their variable properties, low energy inputs and reusability. They are also used to extract various compounds such as metal ions, biomolecules and organosulfurs by using two phase extraction. The most commonly studied systems contain ammonium, phosphonium, sulfonium, pyridinium, imidazolium and pyrrolidinium cations. Common anions include hexafluorophosphate [PF]6-, tetrafluoroborate [BF]4-, bis(trifyl)imide [NTf]2 and chloride, Cl-. Ionic liquids help in minimizing and eliminating waste, improves chemical syntheses and extractions or separations (Holbrey, Turner & Rogers 2003). The reaction solvents are reusable and do not diminish in content which is a major advantage over traditional solvents that are sometimes volatile like the VOC’s. However, the most important feature of these ionic liquids that has led to the great amount of interest in them is the ease with which these can be manipulated to suit the needs of a particular reaction. Most of the properties that are attributed to reaction solvents can be redesigned to reduce or eliminate the losses in solvents and the reaction path can be modified to optimize reactions. This can be useful in recovering and reusing

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Principles of Marketing for Example Toga Toys Essay - 3

Principles of Marketing for Example Toga Toys - Essay Example The business or marketing strategies of a company for the new product should be formulated on the basis of certain external market information. Thus, before formulating a marketing plan, Toga Toys should always acquire valuable information regarding the toy industry and external business environmental conditions (Baker and Hart, 2007). The growth of new business firms indicates the creation of greater employment opportunities. Thus the political authority of almost all the nations encourages new business growth and greater degree commercialization within their domestic economy. The toy companies are subjected to certain regulations imposed the government authorities. The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act, 2008, the government of U.S. has stated that all the toy companies that manufacture toys of children under 14 years, should maintain the Federal Toy Safety Standards (Hoffman, 2010). Governments of other nations like China, India, and U.K. have also implemented similar types of regulations. Over time, with the rise in employment opportunities, the living standards of individuals across nations have increased. This has helped to augment the per person disposable income levels. Many toy companies conduct their manufacturing activities in emerging developing nations like China. This is because, the currency value of the country is low and companies are able to manufacture their products at lower costs (Hoffman, 2010). It is estimated that the proportion of internet users have significantly increased in the current era. Many children and young individuals prefer to spend time on social media over the internet. This has lowered the popularity of outdoor and indoor sports among children.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Analyzing Pro Forma Statements Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analyzing Pro Forma Statements - Assignment Example The essay "Analyzing Pro-forma Statement" talks about the financial forecasting methods that can be applicable for ABC Ltd to significantly reduce wastage of financial resources. The new initiative would be to market another product of the company. This would lead to an increase in the company’s sales over the forecasted period. Due to increased number of sales, the net fixed assets by the acquisition of new machinery to increase production will also increase. For current assets, an increase in sales will be as a result of increased stock of raw materials, work in progress and finished goods. An increase in credit sales will also increase debtors while more cash will be required to buy more inventories in cash. The retained earnings will also increase with sales if the firm is operating at a profit. The current liabilities will increase because the increased sales will lead to the purchase of more inventories. Long term capital items such as common stock and additional paid-in capital will not change or increase because they are not directly impacted by an increase in sales as they are always used to finance long-term projects. For ABC Ltd, the assumption of marketing of a new product will result in an increase in sales by 20%. The other items affected will also increase by the same percentage. The property, plant and equipment will increase due to the increased capacity and hence will use up capital. The sources of capital will the increase in accounts receivables and other liabilities and the cash.

Voting behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Voting behavior - Essay Example The choice of a certain candidate therefore seemed to reflect the people’s behavior, the state of the country and the specific concerns that the candidates had for the citizens. The paper will use various tables in order to describe the voting behavior among various people. Demographics affects how people vote because it has a direct reflection on what attitudes people hold to various issues, abortion being one of them. This has been supported by the election’s literature that suggests that thing like abortion and gayness receive attention when choosing a leader. Table six communicates largely on the voting behavior of voters to various candidates based on their attitudes towards abortion. From the table, it is clear that those people who supported abortion voted in large numbers for Obama as compared to McCain which was 78% and 20% respectively. On the other hand, the people who opposed abortion voted largely for McCain, 54% as compared to Obama who had 45%. Obama still received higher votes in those people who supported abortion for reasons such as rape and clear need but the difference was not much. The other candidates received minor votes ranging from 1-2%. This voting behavior has a clear suggestion on the candidate, their position on the variable and also the demographics of those people that voted. There is a clear suggestion from the table that Obama was also in support of abortion while McCain s against the whole issue of abortion. There is no way the people who supported abortion could support Obama or vice versa if he was not of the idea himself. In terms of demographics, there is a clear indication that those who supported Obama most in this variable are women as compared to men. This is because the issues of abortion are of concern to women because they directly affect them in reference to men. Another clear suggestion is that the population in support consists of younger people who are

Friday, August 23, 2019

Physical Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Physical Science - Essay Example This situation could be reversed and normal operation restored after diagnosing the problem. In this context, the portable room heater needs to have high resistance so as to be effective in emission of heat. As such, a high current would be required for this function. The high current demanded by the heater would cause a high flow of current in the electric connection in the room. The circuit breaker exposed to the high current would cause the metal strip in it to warm up and bend away, breaking the circuit connection in the room, breaking normal electric supply which causes the lights to go off. Similarly, the metal strip in the circuit breaker could be of too low resistance. As such, it fails to contain the flow of current required for normal operation of the room heater. As such, any slight rise in the current above what sustains lighting of the bulbs in the room would exceed its resistance threshold, warming up the metal strip causing it to bend away from the circuit and breaking the electric connection and the lights go

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Body and Performance Art Essay Example for Free

Body and Performance Art Essay Body art, which is to say, the use of the artists body as a medium, stage and avenue for the exhibition of a particular inspiration and ideology, is closely and mostly defined by feminist art. With tones of subversiveness which picks up after postmodernism, critics argue that the use of the body as an art medium, or all forms of body and performance art is a naive essentialism which is necessarily exploited in the art world. Either through live performance art, or captured stills of the human body as a necessary canvass of inspiration and ideology splattered with an assortment of colors, of paint, piercings, tattoos, and similar instance of aesthetical decorations, body art is and should be considered a formidable, and at the very least, real artform, because it reflects the idea and creative proclivities of one person, and translates it from the abstract to the concrete. Body and performance art may be considered by some as an act of subversion and a deviation from conventional and traditional forms of art, but for the most part, it evokes the complexity of humanity, in its purest, most raw and unedited form, and despite other issue which could lie therein, the aforementioned qualities encapsulates what art is essentially and fundamentally about.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Causes of the Afghan Civil War

Causes of the Afghan Civil War Mohammad Haseeb Daudzai Who destroyed Kabul? The Afghan Civil War which started in 1989 and ended in 1992 was one of the bloodiest and most destructive wars in Afghan history. This war had two phases. The first phase was fought between the Afghan government and the Mujahedeen, and the second phase was fought between different parties of the Mujahedeen. The Afghan Civil War which resulted in more than 100,000 deaths and the destruction of Kabul was caused by various factors some of which were: Afghan people, Afghanistan’s economy, Afghan politicians and foreign involvement. First of all, Afghanistan is a multicultural country with more than ten ethnic groups and more than thirty languages. Afghans have some differences in their culture, too. The majority of Afghans follow either of the two schools of fiqh (schools of Islamic law) namely Jafari and Hanafi. The literacy rate is also very low in Afghanistan. These cultural differences, religious issues and low literacy rate make racism a common phenomenon amongst the people and it’s very easy for anyone to provoke a war in Afghanistan. In 1992, racists from different ethnic groups started inviting their ethnic groups to fight against other ethnic groups, so they could gain power in Afghanistan. The economy of Afghanistan was very weak in 1989 when the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was leaving Afghanistan. Unemployment reached its peak. Although Dr. Najibullah planned different strategies for making a stable economy in Afghanistan, but because gas wells were under the control of the Mujahedeen, the government was completely dependent on the USSR aid, hence most of those strategies failed. As a result of unemployment, people started starving in some parts of Kabul, so they started protesting against the government in Kabul. These protests gave the Mujahedeen a good excuse for attacking Kabul which marked the first phase of the Afghan Civil War. Back in 1980s when the USSR had full control of Afghanistan, eight parties were formed in opposition to the People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) which was directly supported and under the influence of the Soviet Union. All these eight parties called themselves Mujahedeen (Holy warriors). These parties fought against the USSR for nine years. After nine years of fighting in Afghanistan, the USSR lost the war to the Mujahedeen and were forced to withdraw their forces from Afghanistan. In 1989, before leaving Afghanistan, the USSR selected Dr. Najibullah to be the president of Afghanistan after they left. Dr. Najibullah was a member of the PDPA, hence his government was not acceptable to the Mujahedeen and they continued to fight, which provoked a civil war between Afghan army and the Afghan Mujahedeen. More than 20,000 Afghans were killed in this first phase of the Afghan Civil War. In 1992 Dr. Najibullah resigned from his position. Afghan warlords knew Dr. Najib would finally resign and every one of them wanted to take his place so they organized a gathering in Peshawar, Pakistan. This gathering resulted in forming a new government and a cabinet which was supposed to take power after Dr. Najibullah resigned. Additionally, Ahmad Shah Masood formed a supervising council known as Shura e Nazar, which was composed of 120 military generals from different parts of northern Afghanistan, to supervise the activities of the upcoming government. In 1992, the new government gained full control of Kabul and major parts of Afghanistan. Sibghatullah Mujadeedi was appointed as the new president of Afghanistan, but due to his poor leadership skills he was soon replaced by Burhanuddin Rabbani. Rabbani was a member of Shura e Nazar and except Tajik warlords no one wanted him to be the President of Afghanistan. After a month, the second and bloodiest phase of the Afghan Civil War began. More than 50,000 civilians were killed only in Kabul and it was divided into di fferent parts, each part controlled by a different party. As an example Kart e Parwan district was controlled by Ahmad Shah Masood’s forces and only Tajik people lived there, Taimani district was controlled by Abdul Ali Mazari’s forces and only Hazara people lived there and if anyone from Kart e Parwan dared to go to Taimani or vice versa, the opposite party would kill him. After two months of Rabbani’s government the Mujahedeen started firing rockets across the streets of Kabul as result no one was safe anywhere in Kabul. Meanwhile Gulbudin Hekmatyar, who was supported by Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, wanted to be the president of Afghanistan, hence he started fighting the government and Abdul Ali Mazari joined him. The Civil War in Afghanistan was part of the Cold War. According to George Crile, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) launched Operation Cyclone to fund the Mujahedeen against the USSR. In 1980 the amount of these funds reached $30 million per year and in 1987 this amount rose to $630 million per year. The CIA also provided weapons including Type-56 rifles and FIM-92 stingers to the Mujahedeen. The first stinger which proved to be a very effective weapon, was launched in 1986 near Jalalabad by the Mujahedeen, hence 500 additional stingers were provided to the Mujahedeen by the CIA. Pakistan also started supporting the Mujahedeen which resulted in the USSR providing additional AK 47s to the Afghan army. The USSR also provided more than 2500 SCUD missiles to the Afghan government. Dr. Najibullah used the SCUDs against Pakistan and gave the AK 47s to the Afghan army. Hundreds of missiles were fired on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan as a response to Pakistan’s suppo rt of the Mujahedeen and the US weapons supplies to the Mujahedeen that came through Pakistan. In 1992, Dr. Najibullah resigned. Dr. Najib’s resignation marked the end of the first phase of the Afghan Civil War. Pakistan continued supporting Gulbudin Hekmatyar against the Afghan government and asked him to keep fighting against the government till he gained full power in Kabul and replaced Rabbani. Saudi Arabia also started supporting Hekmatyar. The second phase of the War began after Hekmatyar started shelling Kabul. Relations between Shura e Nazar and General Abdul Rasheed Dostom who now had the full support of Uzbekistan, had soured and Dostom had to leave Kabul. After leaving Kabul, Dostom started shelling Kabul from the gates of Kabul. More than 50,000 civilian were killed in Kabul in blind shelling (1) (also called rockety koor ([blind rockets]). To conclude, during these two phases of the Afghan civil war, which lasted from 1989 to 1992, more than 100,000 Afghans were killed, thousands of Kabul citizens were injured and lost their homes and nothing was seen in Kabul except bombarded buildings and signs of different weapons used during the war. The Afghan Civil war was caused by four major factors, the Afghan people, Afghan economy, Afghan politicians and foreign powers.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Community Service As Punishment Under The Ipc Criminology Essay

Community Service As Punishment Under The Ipc Criminology Essay Community service constitute an apologetic reparation that the person is now required to make to the community what he has wronged. The Indian Penal Code was the enacted in 1860 by virtue of the classic legal draftsmanship of Lord Macaulay. If there would have been a concept of community service prevalent at that time then the authors are sure that there would have been no need to urge the inclusion of the same in the Indian Penal Code. But since this exclusion by Macaulay is because of no fault of his it is our duty to incorporate such to meet the demands of the time and to make the IPC a living social document. Section 53 of the IPC  [2]  provides for the various types of punishments. But these are old and do not meet the exigencies of the present day globalised world. The authors yearn for inclusion of community service as a mode of punishment. Indian draftsmen have not overlooked the necessity of such a restorative mode in recent enactments. We find the inclusion of community service in The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000  [3]  (Section 15  [4]  ). Community service is defined as an order that requires an offender (who must consent and be aged at least 16) to perform unpaid work for between 40 and 240 hours under the supervision of a probation officer. Formerly known as a  Community Service Order. It can also be defined as A  community  order  which requires the  offender  to do unpaid work in the community under the supervision of a  probation officer.  [5]  Moreover the work that the offender is required to undertake has some obvious relation to the nature of offence.  [6]   History of community service The first organized community service program meant systematically to be used in place of short prison sentences were established in ad-hoc basis in California in the 1960s. . Thus community service was indirect alternative to imprisonment.  [7]  In the United Kingdom, Parliament enacted legislation in the early 1970s giving the courts specific powers to order community service as a sentencing sanction.  [8]  In the early 1980s after a series of private pilot projects the Dutch implemented community service nationwide and evaluators made comparable findings.  [9]  It was Lenin  [10]  who also stressed on the importance of community service.  [11]   Benefits of Community Service Community service serves the goals of punishment, reparation, restitution and even rehabilitation. It is beneficial to the offenders  [12]  , the community  [13]  , the victim  [14]  and even to the courts.  [15]  So community service has both the social and the cognitive benefits. It also serves as an alternative to imprisonment (India has 32 prisoners per 1000 of population. We have 11094.25 lakhs prisoners in India as on 31 December 2005)  [16]  which is morally reprehensible and indefensible  [17]  . Moreover Prisons have proved ineffective in their object of reforming the criminals. Research indicates that about half of all prison inmates are likely to be rearrested and returned to prison, many soon after their release from an institution.  [18]  Contamination is the gist of prison life. Prisons are dens of criminality. The unsophisticated offender is compelled to associate with the hardened professional criminals and thereby he learns not only the te chniques of committing the crime but also the specific drives, rationalisation and attitudes of crime.  [19]  The Community Service Program is intended to add some refinement by requiring the offender to put back into society through performing a job for the community.  [20]   Not only do offenders need to be addressed as active participants rather than as passive recipient of punishment or treatment, but they also need to be positively motivated to engage in the process of change to law-abiding lives. Performing work for the community, as well as requiring offenders to pay back to the society helped them realize that they had contribution to make to the society.  [21]   Developments in India Macaulay may have not envisaged the need of community service as it was not prevalent at that time. But it first dawned upon India in the 42nd report  [22]  of the Law Commission.  [23]  Then an Amendment bill  [24]  was introduced in the Parliament  [25]  which was passed in the Rajya Sabha but due to the proclamation of emergency it could not be passed in the Lok Sabha and it lapsed. Again the Law Commission in its 156th report  [26]  urged the need to implement community service in Indian Penal system.  [27]  Even the Malimath Committee and others  [28]  recommended community service as mode of punishment.  [29]   Community Service Scheme has also been started in one state i.e. Gujarat and it is an alternate for offences under the Bombay Prohibition Act. Another state i.e. Andhra Pradesh (Prison is a state subject)  [30]  has also amended the Penal Code and introduced Community Service as a punishment. This legislation is now pending with the Union Government for their concurrence.  [31]   Cases and pronouncements We have instances where the court has ordered the offender to do community service in lieu of the offence that he has committed. The Delhi High Court asked two businessmen to perform community service with a voluntary organisation for a year as punishment for firing three shots at their friend for fun. Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul, while quashing a first information report (FIR) against the two businessmen Monday, asked Delhi Police not to return their gun for a year.  [32]  For sexually harassing a woman on the bus the magistrate asked the offender to write a 25-page essay on eve-teasing and harassment. He was asked to make 500 copies of the essay and distribute them outside schools and colleges.  [33]  In probably a first, the Patna High Court has given provisional bail to two accused in a mobile phone loot case on the condition that they would have to do community service at a local temple thrice a week for six months.  [34]   The Indian Supreme Court though not having argued (even in their obiters) to have community service as a mode of punishment has nevertheless hinted at the importance and need for such type of restorative sanction. in one of the case the court said- A few other weighty factors deserve reference. All deprivation of liberty is validated by social defense and individual correction along an anti-criminal direction, public justice is central to the whole scheme of bail law. Fleeing justice must be forbidden but punitive harshness should be minimized. Restorative devices to redeem the man, even through community service, meditative drill, study classes or other resources should be innovated.  [35]   The unacceptable anomaly Community service was not incorporated in the IPC. The reason fascinates and confuses me. The neo democratic style of non-inclusion is too hard to swallow. The Law Commission of India circulated a letter highlighting the main issues involved in the Penal Code for eliciting views from various quarters.  [36]   The letter was sent to Registrars of High Courts, the Home Secretary of the State Governments Union Territories, the President of Supreme Court Bar Association and High Courts Bar Association, National Commission for Human Rights, National Commission for Minorities, National Commission for SC ST, National Womens Commission, State Law Commissions, Police Officers, Advocates, Academicians and some social organisations, Institutions etc. Responses were received from three State Governments, Seven Judges and one Additional Registrar of High Courts, Two Advocates, Six Police Officers, One State Law Commission, One Academician and Two organisations (Nirantar and Federation Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry).  [37]   Now the recommendation that came out was that the proposed section 74 should not and cannot be implemented in India. The report laid- This section contemplates a supervisory authority to see whether the convict is working and rendering service for the number of hours specified and if he fails to do so by way of default, he has to be sentenced thereafter. We think an open air prison system is better suited from the point of view of the correctional measures rather than the proposed punishment of community service. The community service no doubt is another innovation in the direction of correctional methods but as voiced in many workshops it may not be practicable to give an effect to and also may not amount to punishment. The most horrifying aspect of the entire thing is that merely on the views of some of the judges, advocated, academicians, police officers and organizations an innovative and pulsating need of the criminal justice system was not implemented. The authors are unable to find a rational nexus with the reasons given for such non inclusion. Reforms Suggested What the authors want is that is not the inclusion of community service as a form of punishment but the authors want the successful and effective implementation of community service as a form of punishment under the code prepared by the legal acumen of Macaulay. That is the reason we do not recommend to amend the IPC and include community service as a sixth form of punishment immediately as was once tried by the 1976 bill.  [38]  It would not be an inclusion as we nowadays find the Indian legislators just amend and insert new provisions  [39]  in the enactments without looking at its suitability and implemantability.  [40]   The authors suggest an area approach (AA) in the inclusion of community service as a mode of punishment. Firstly few selected areas must be selected which have the resources and concentration of specific crimes occurring in specific areas. Firstly, the Union must select few states and urge them to implement community service programs in few select areas. These areas must be selected by the state themselves with the concurrence of the Union. The areas should be selected on the basis of criterias such as prevalence of petty offences, resources available  [41]  etc as decided by the state governments. The authors only intend to suggest that first implementation issues must be dealt with as per the acumen and foresight of the legislature and the executive. Then only we can dream of such a form of sanction. This was one precise lacuna in the 1976 Amendment bill. Beside this lacuna the authors find no other major loophole and feel that the proposed amendment was to a very large extent acceptable. But we suggest that in all the cases where the judge convicts the accused and imposes fine as the only punishment community service should be made compulsory. The other recommendations are as follows- It is recommended that in order to address such problem and increase efficiency, special community service officers be appointed and trained to handle offenders on community service. A lot of publicity should be given to this schemes initiation so that even the grass roots and the have-nots of the society are aware of such a change. The spread of the scheme must not be confined to the legal fraternity and experts. It must not remain a burning topic for the scholars and the academicians to debate and write scholarly articles and researches. The modes of publicity as newspapers, media and the government. The entire implementation and the process and the procedure of the community service scheme must be available in almost all the recognized languages of India so that the local masses are aware of it. It must be simple and clearly worded. The cooperation of various stakeholders such as the civil servants, the judiciary, the policy-makers and all other relevant stakeholders within the criminal justice system is vital for the process of implementation of the programme as well as for its ongoing sustainability. The implementation of such programme should be seen as the responsibility of every Indian, and endeavor should be made to help it succeed as a new intervention to replace imprisonment. ABSTRACT The Indian Penal Code was the enacted in 1860 by virtue of the classic legal draftsmanship of Lord Macaulay. If there would have been a concept of community service prevalent at that time then the authors are sure that there would have been no need to urge the inclusion of the same in the Indian Penal Code. But since this exclusion by Macaulay is because of no fault of his it is our duty to incorporate such to meet the demands of the time and to make the IPC a living social document. The research paper tries to incorporate the needs and the benefits of community service in India. It would then delve upon the legal development of inclusion of community service as mode of punishment. It would be done by scrutinizing the reports of the law commissions, judicial pronouncements and the lapsed bills which urged such a reform. Then authors would suggest concluding the problems in the inclusion and implementation of community service in India and how to overcome these difficulties so that IPC meets the social needs and critics find one issue sorted in criticizing the IPC and its efficacy.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Stop The Deforestation :: essays research papers fc

"This land is where we know where to find all that it provides for us--food from hunting and fishing, and farms, building and tool materials, medicines. This land keeps us together within its mountains; we come to understand that we are not just a few people or separate villages, but one people belonging to a homeland" (Colins 32). The "homeland" is the Upper Mazaruni District of Guyana, a region in the Amazon rain forest where the Akawaio Indians make their home (32). The vast rain forest, often regarded as just a mass of trees and exotic species, is to many indigenous people a home. This home is being destroyed as miners, loggers, and developers move in on the cultures of these people to strip away their resources and complicate the peaceful, simple lives of these primitive tribes. However, the tribes are not the only ones who lose in this situtation. If rain forest invasion continues, mankind as a whole will lose a valuable treasure: the knowledge of these people in utilizing the resources and plants of the forest for food, building, and medicine. To prevent this loss, the governments of the countries housing the rain forests should provide some protection for the forest and its inhabitants through legislation, programs. Also, environmentalists should pursue educating the tribes in managing thier resources for pragmatic, long-term profit through conservation. Although hard to believe, the environmental problems of today started a long time before electricty was invented, before automobilies littered the highways, and before industries dotted the countryside. From ancient times to the Industrial Revolution, humans began to change the face of the earth. As populations increased and technology improved and expanded, more significant and widespread problems arose. "Today, unprecedented demands on the environment from a rapidly expanding human population and from advancing technology are causing a continuing and acelerating decline in the quality of the environment and its ability to sustain life" (Ehrlich 98). Increasing numbers of humans are intruding on remaining wild land-even in those areas once considered relatively safe from exploitation. Tropical forests, especially in southest Asia and the Amazon River Basin, are being destroyed at an alarming rate for timber, conversion to crop and grazing lands, pine plantations, and settlements. According to researcher Howard Facklam, "It was estimated at one point in the 1980s that such forest lands were being cleared at the rate of 20 (nearly 50 acres) a minute; another estimate put the rate at more than 200,000 sq km (more than 78,000 sq mi) a year. In 1993, satellite data provided the rate of deforestation could result in the extinction of as many

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Psychological Assessment 1 Midterm Multiple Choice :: essays research papers

Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. __D__ 1. Psychological tests a. pertain only to overt behavior. b. always have right or wrong answers. c. do not attempt to measure traits. d. measure characteristics of human behavior. __C__ 2. One's general potential, independent of prior learning, can best be described as a. achievement. b. aptitude. c. intelligence. d. ability. __D__ 3. Achievement, aptitude and intelligence can be encompassed by the term a. human potential. b. human traits. c. human personality. d. human ability. __B__ 4. The work of Weber and Fechner represent which foundation of psychological testing? a. individual differences b. psychophysical measurement c. survival of the fittest d. Darwinian evolution __B__ 5. A child's mental age a. cannot be determined independently of the child's chronological age. b. provides a measurement of a child's performance relative to other children of a particular age group. c. cannot be determined from a child's test score. d. can only be determined from large representative samples. __A__ 6. A major problem with the Woodworth Personal Data Sheet was that a. it assumed the answers were acceptable at face value. b. the normative sample was too small. c. it was difficult to administer. d. there were too few questions. __D__ 7. Factor analytic techniques were employed in the development of the a. MMPI. b. CPI. c. TAT. d. 16PF. __C__ 8. Which of the following scales would be used when the information is qualitative rather than quantitative? a. ordinal b. interval c. nominal d. ratio __C__ 9. In the Civil Rights Act of 1991, Section 106, a. within group norming was made legal. b. employers were prohibited from using test scores in hiring decisions. c. within group norming was made illegal. d. employers were prohibited from transforming test scores. __D__ 10. Each point on a scatter diagram represents a. the variance of a set of scores. b. the standard deviation of a set of scores. c. where an individual scored compared to the mean. d. where an individual scored on both x and y. __D__ 11. In a negative correlation, a. individuals tend to maintain the same or a similar relative performance. b. scores on one variable tell us nothing about scores on a second. c. individuals who score low on one variable tend to score low on a second. d. high scores on the x variable are associated with low scores on the y variable. __A?__ 12. Which of the following correlations represents the strongest relationship between two variables? a. .01 b. .85 c. .80 d. .50 __C__ 13. If the scores on X give us no information about the scores on Y, this indicates a. a positive correlation. b. a negative correlation. c. no correlation. d. a perfect correlation.

Edgar Allan Poe :: essays research papers fc

Father of Mystery Literature is something that has been changing and developing for centuries. Without the writers of the past, who were creatively expressing themselves, literature would not be what it is today. Emily Dickinson, William Wordsworth, and T.S. Elliot are just a few authors who contributed to these developments. Perhaps one of the most influential was Edgar Allan Poe. Edgar Allan Poe’s life was not an easy one, which explains why poetry was so dark and disturbing. Poe’s father abandoned him when he was a baby, and his mother died of tuberculosis when he was only three years old. He was adopted by a couple named John and Frances Allan. Frances was very loving toward Poe, but sadly died of tuberculosis just before he went to college. Poe attended the University of Virginia, but then dropped out and enrolled at West Point. He was soon expelled and then began a life of drinking and gambling. Poe gained some credibility from his poems, stories, and book reviewing, but he never earned very much money. When Poe was 27 he then married his 13 year old cousin, only to watch her die of tuberculosis just like his mother and Frances Allan. Poe died three years later; he only lived to be 40 years old. During Poe’s short life he wrote nearly seventy short works of fiction. He is duly credited with creating the detective story genre, and with transforming the Gothic mystery tale of the Romantic Period into the modern horror or murder stories. But he also wrote several comic and satirical pieces, literary parodies, sketches, and experimental stories, including "A Descent into the Maelstrom," and The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym. His most famous poems, "The Raven," "Ulalume," "The Bells," "The City in the Sea", were enormously influential. A huge wave of enthusiasm and influence is what inspired Poe to write these famous poems. Most of his inspirations came from other writers of Europe during his lifetime. However, Poe also wrote three volumes of poetry during the first period of his literary career. The short story is something that Edgar Allan Poe deserves more credit for than any other writer. Poe transformed the short story into art. He helped establish the short story by using existing and innovative elements. By doing this he revolutionized short literature, practically created the detective story, and perfected the psychological thriller. When writing short stories, Poe believed that the author had to visualize the effect that they wanted to achieve.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Jose Rizal Life in Dapitan Essay

The El Filibusterismo is the sequel of the Noli Me Tangere. Both nationalistic novels were written by Dr. Jose Rizal. In Noli Me Tangere, Rizal described the full extent of slavery and abuse suffered by the native Indios at the hands of Spanish authorities. Hence in this second book, Rizal pictured a society at the brink of revolution. The Indios have started to adapt liberal ideas and guerrilla factions have started to revolt against the government. The advent of the novel starts 13 years after the events in the Noli Me Tangere, Juan Crisostomo Ibarra orchestrated a plot of evil means but heroic desires. During his travels in Europe, Ibarra changed his name to Simoun. He becomes a renowned jeweler thus his wealth grew further. He started to make new connections with the illustrious societal personalities in Spain. With his influence, he helped a military colonel to rise the ladder and be promoted as captain general of the colonial territory, the Philippines. For Simoun, it was all planned. Upon his return in the Philippines, he was dubbed as his black eminence. People saw him as an influential figure whom his majesty consults whenever decisions are to be made. After all, his majesty, the captain general owed so much to Simoun. Simoun wants to take revenge and bring back the love of Maria Clara who now resides at the convent. The jeweler was famed for his wealth and power. Hence, no one thought that the opportunists and fearsome Simoun was the same idealistic Ibarra of the past. Simoun started to look for followers. He found his allies with the oppressed and enslaved. He form an alliance with Kabesang Tales’ group, an outlaw whose land was grabbed by the friar’s corporation. He then, looks for more men. He searched the villages looking for strong willed men who have a gripe on the government. Simoun, using the influence he has on the captain general, ordered stricter and more abusive government policies – a move that will make the people angrier. This was the plot of Simoun, to use the people’s hatred against the government to his advantage. Simoun also ordered attacks that will backfire and weaken the government’s military forces. However, the revolution scheduled at the night of a musical play in Manila didn’t come into fruition. Months, later another plan was made. At the grand wedding of Juanita Pelaez, the son of a successful businessman and the beautiful Paulita Gomez, Simoun insisted to take charge in the decorating. Simoun knew that the feast would be attended by friars, government officials and prominent figures – the same people who wrecked havoc to his life. Beneath the beautiful decorations and lighting were sacks of gun powder. The whole house was filled with explosives. Simoun formed his own army of the oppressed and enslaved and with the help of government soldiers and outlaws whom he commissioned, they will start a bloody revolution. The mission, to kill all Spanish authorities and to take control of the country. At the wedding, Simoun puts a beautiful lamp at the center of the table carved with gold linings and other kind of gems and jewelries. Simoun left as soon as delivering his gift, the lamp. It was a festive celebration but unknown to the guests, the lamp is a time bomb that will explode once lifted. It will result into a huge explosion that will be a signal to Simoun’s troops to simultaneously attack Manila. Just before the lamp explodes, a piece of mysterious paper bearing the message â€Å"You will die tonight† was being passed. It was signed by Juan Crisostomo Ibarra. Father Salvi confirmed that it was the real signature of Ibarra, a long-forgotten filibuster. The guests at the wedding were all frightened. Slowly, the lamp’s light started to diminish and soon one will lift it and will cause a huge explosion. However, a Isagani, a student and friend of the newly-weds knew the plot and because of his undying love to Paulita threw the lamp before it explodes. After the wedding, the plot was unraveled and a shoot-to-kill order for Simoun was commissioned. Hence, Simoun, the sly fox that he is, makes sure that he won’t get caught alive. He drank a poison and as it effects started to take toll on his body, he was able to confess his plans and real name to a Filipino priests. Characters Simounben zayb Basilioplacido penitente Isaganiquiroga Kabesang talesold man selo Don custodiofather fernandez Paulita Gomezattorney pasta Father florentinocaptain-general Hulipadre sibyla What is the climax of el filibusterismo? the climax of the story of El Filibusterismo found in kabanata 35 in titled â€Å"ANG PISTA† What are the moral values of el filibusterismo? El Filibusterismo was Rizal’s second novel published in Ghent, Belgium in 1891 with the financial help of Valentin Ventura. It is a sequel to his first novel, Noli Me Tangere. The main character of El Filibusterismo is Simoun, a rich jeweler from Cuba. He was Crisostomo Ibarra of Noli Me Tangere who, with Elias’ help, escaped from the pursuing soldiers at Laguna Lake, dug up his buried treasure, and sailed to Cuba where he became rich and made friends with many Spanish officials. After many years, he returns to the Philippines in disguise. He has become so powerful because he became an adviser of the governor-general. On the outside, Simoun is a friend of Spain. But deep in his heart, he is secretly planning a bitter revenge against the Spanish authorities. His obsessions are 1) to incite a revolution against the Spanish authorities, and 2) to rescue Maria Clara from the Sta.Clara convent. â€Å"El Filibusterismo (Subversion) is the second novel by Jose Rizal, national hero of the Philippines. Written as a sequel to the Noli Me Tangere, it focuses more on dark themes and appears to favor revolution (at least as far as the main character is concerned) † —-by: Manuel Viloria â€Å"A Filipino Family on the Web† El Filibusterismo (lit. Spanish for â€Å"The Filibustering†[1]), also known by its English alternate title The Reign of Greed,[2] is the second novel written by Philippine national hero Josà © Rizal. It is the sequel to Noli Me Tangere and like the first book, was written in Spanish. It was first published in 1891 in Ghent, Belgium.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Plastics Bags: A Devil To Be Banned

Plastics Bags- A Devil To Be Banned Plastic bags are normally given to customers by vendors when buying. It is a very convenient method for transporting goods. Moreover, it is highly popular to the customers and retailers because of its light weight. But, ultimately this much usage of the plastic bags leads to the many serious problems. Plastic bags should be banned in Canada because it have a critical environment problems, health problems and also because of its cost of production and recycling. Plastic bags should be banned because it creates very harmful environment problems.Throwing plastic bags could make the soil pollution. It also creates marine pollution. As per the research â€Å"over 13 billion plastic bags are handed to consumers each year, representing a substantial proportion of all floating marine litter (http://www. guardian. co. uk/ environment/2007/nov/13/plasticbags. pollution). Plastic bags wastes block the drainage and also it is dangerous to marine life. Every y ear thousands of seals and whales are dying because of eating plastic bags. For making a plastic bags earth’s precious natural resources are being used.Burning plastics produce much polluted gases which cause air pollution (http://debatewise. org/debates/ 1011-should-plastic-bags-be-banned/#yes9). All of this pollution in combine produces a Green House Effect. Moreover, during the production of the plastics many harmful waste chemical is produce which also contribute in the pollution and ultimately environment problems. So, plastic bags should be banned in Canada as it has dangerous environmental issues. Another, reason for banning of the plastic bags is because of its effect on the health.Air produce after burning of plastics can lead to an asthma or can worse the asthma. When a plastics break down it release many harmful chemicals and by drinking this type of water it enter into a human body and can produce a disease like diabetes, heart problems, cancer (Copperkitten). The se all health problems are serious and they cost much for treatment also. â€Å"Toxic emission produces daring an extraction of plastic bags, their manufacturing, and their transportation contribute to acid rain and smog† (Environmental Literacy Council).Moreover, some people put their foods in plastic bags for a long time and during that many toxic chemicals enter into a food and that may degrade food and also have an adverse effect on a health. Sometimes animals eat plastics bags with other food and in the body plastics not get metabolized and cause the serious problems. Many times it happen like birds eat a part of plastic bags and that stick to their neck and because of that they are unable to take a breath, and die. That’s why the usage of plastic bags should be banned in Canada due to its health risk.Production as well as recycling of plastic bags is very costly. During a production many natural sources of energy are used and that increase the production cost. Mo reover, this will leads to a decrease of these types of an energy sources. The price of oil used to produce petrochemicals for making recycled plastics is so high (Miller, 2005). One could drive their car for a few meters in production cost of one plastic bag. Also, the plastics are non-biodegradable so recycling is very complicated and it will cost too much money.After the recycling another big problems is of removal of the waste. Overall, production and recycling of plastics bags affect the economy of the country. For recycling there are a separate bins required to put in each street and also special vehicles are required for collection of that bins, and these all ultimately increase a cost of recycling. For a disposal of non-biodegradable plastic bags separate farmyard is required and day by day more and more space required storing plastic wastes. Therefore, it is better to ban a usage of plastic bags and it must be banned.Some people give a counter argument that plastic bags sho uld not be banned in Canada. They give a reason like plastic bags are convenient, cheaper and also not harm the environment too much. Some says, it is better to add a tax on production and usage of plastic bags than banning it. But it is not necessary that all convenient things are good for environment and economy. Moreover, the plastics are never degraded into a harmless ingredient, it always produce a toxic substances. Another way to reduce the environmental problems is to use a bio degradable plastics bags.But, the production cost is too high for making bio degradable plastics bags. Some says to reduce the use of plastics bags rather than banning it. But, nobody can control the usage of plastics if it is not banned. And it is proven that the plastic leads to critical environmental problems. It also reduces the other sources of energy and that will affects lot in future. And there is no need to use plastic bags as paper bags already available at the same cost in a market. Also, su ch types of paper bags are bio degradable as well as safe for a environment.So, plastic bags must be banned in Canada. In a nut shell, due to the high risk associated with the usage of plastic bags, it should be banned in Canada. Nobody have a right to damage a environment of a earth. So for a environment and for other living creatures usage of plastic bags must be stop and that is only possible by banning of a usage as well as production. In such types of issues awareness is not much useful. Government must have to take a firm steps for it. And, banning of plastic bags is only a solution.Work cited Copperkitten: Sustainable Living, June 2010 http://copperkitten. wordpress. com/2010/06/22/the-health-hazards-of-plastic-bags/ Environmental Literacy Council. 2005. â€Å"Paper or Plastic? † November 20, 2005. http://www. enviroliteracy. org/article. php/1268. html Miller, G. T. 2005. Sustaining the Earth: An Integrated Approach. Pacific Grove, CA: Thomson Brooks/Cole. http://www. guardian. co. uk/ environment/2007/nov/13/plasticbags. pollution http://debatewise. org/debates/ 1011-should-plastic-bags-be-banned/#yes9

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Renting Versus Buying a Home

Renting versus buying a home, what are the pros and cons? I: In todays’ economy, renting is a better option for some families. With the downfall of the economy and the loss of so many jobs, renting a home is a less expensive way for some individuals. Either families had to sell or foreclosure was the only option they had when the economy took the downward turn. Therefore, renting a home became the most convenient option available to those families hit hard from the economic change. One of the most important ideas to keep in mind when looking for a new home is, is this a suitable place.They always have to think about, where the kids will go to school, is this neighborhood safe, and most important will they be happy living here. There are some positive notes to renting versus buying a home. However, there are some cons also. II: The pros to renting a home can be positive. The cost to renting a home is typically less expensive than buying a home. Their monthly rent is less expens ive than mortgage payments, and they will not have to pay any property taxes. Property taxes will be the property owners’ expense.They will also have the ease of moving. If they choose to move, they will not have to worry about having to sell their home. If they sign a lease, they can move after their lease has expired. One other pro to renting can be the fact that they will never have to worry about paying for any maintenance or repairs. This will be the property owners’ expenses as long as the tenant was not neglectful and caused any of the problems. The security deposit that they pay upon moving in is what takes care of things that may have happened while living in the home.This is where the property owner will subtract monies when renter moves out for wear on the home. III: There are always cons to renting versus buying a home. When renting a home they will not have any equity in the home. They are paying for something that they will never own. Some people feel tha t when they rent they are just throwing away money or just helping the property owner buy their property. This is true as this is typically, why people buy homes. They make the mortgage payments from their renters but it is also their means of making money also.Property owners are their own bosses and some do not have normal jobs, this is their means of supporting their families. Renters also have to face that there can be rental increases also. They may sign a lease but when the lease expires, the property owner may choose to increase the rent. One other con to renting is the restrictions that property owners may place. This can be whether they can have pets, paint the walls a different color, or make any changes to the dwelling in which they are living without prior consent from the property owner.The positive to all of this â€Å"That renting is a better way of living in today’s economy. † Yes, there are some positives and negatives but the positives with renting ou tweigh the negatives. Most property owners will help renters with things that will make them more comfortable but within reason. The renters just need to have an open mind and talk to the owners. Most property owners will bend as long as the tenants talk to them in advance and are willing to pay for things such as painting an inside wall to a different color, or planting things that will make the place more pleasing.Things like this will only increase the value of the home, and if the property owner does not have to pay for it, then they are more than likely to allow something’s within reason. I choose this type of outline because it was a more professional layout. I felt it had an easier feel to it and was a nice layout. I was able to use this outline and still get most of my material in. I also was able to have my topic sentences stated clear, and with all the supporting points in the proper places. This to me was a better outline to follow.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Dunlap V. Tennessee Valley Authority Essay

What were the legal issues in this case? In the case of Dunlap VS Tennessee Valley Authority, the legal issue that was presented was discrimination, disparate treatment and disparate impact. According to the EEOC, race discrimination involves treating someone (an applicant or employee) unfavorably because he/she is of a certain race or because of personal characteristics associated with race (such as hair texture, skin color, or certain facial features). Color discrimination involves treating someone unfavorably because of skin color complexion. The Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects workers from discrimination, and when it comes to the case, discrimination was seen in many ways. For starters, when it came to the interviewing process, there were 5 white officials and 1 black which showed that the room was not balance. Next, when it came to the scoring, he received lower scores than the whites. The next issue that showed discrimination was when it came to the attendance record of the workers. Two of the workers who were Caucasian, had the same attendance as Dunlap, and they received a better ranking. Also, Dunlap had a perfect safety record and received a score of a 4; while a white applicant who was at the job for eleven, had 2 accidents within those years and received a score of 6. Dunlap was not the only African American to have problems with TVA when it came to discrimination as well. The suit that was brought against TVA was for discrimination under disparate impact and treatment. Disparate impact theory requires the plaintiff to demonstrate that the facility falls harshly on one group than another; disparate treatment requires the plaintiff to demonstrate that an employer has treated some people badly because of the race, age, gender or any other discrimination factor (Walsh, 2010). The district court found many filings along with the fact that Dunlap had been subjected to discrimination under both disparate treatment, concluding that TVA’s subjective hiring processes permitted racial bias against both Dunlap and other black applicants (Walsh, 2010). According to the text subjective criteria is assessing candidates that are not uniform and clearly specified, and when it came to Dunlap and the facts that were presented subjective hiring was conducted. The Appeals Court affirmed the disparate treatment claim, reversed the disparate impact claim, and affirmed the district court’s award of damages and fees to Mr. Dunlap (Walsh, 2010) Explain why the plaintiff’s disparate (adverse) impact claim fail? The reason that disparate impact failed is because when it comes discriminatory actions in this theory, proof is not required. The disparate impact theory requires a plaintiff to demonstrate that an apparently neutral employment practice affects one group more harshly than another and that the practice is not justified by business necessity. A prima face case is established when the plaintiff identifies a specific employment practice to be challenged; and through relevant statistical analysis proves that the challenged practice has an adverse impact on a protected group. When it comes to the case, discrimination was seen, but never affects more than one class. Glass ceiling in the book is referred to artificial barriers based on attitudinal or organizational bias that prevent qualified individuals from advancing in there organization to upper management. The reason that glass ceiling is seen is because when it comes to the interviewing process, there was only 1 black interviewer. Then when it came to the recruits, even if there work effort was poor and they were white, there scores was higher than the African Americans. But because discrimination is a fact that is null and void in this theory and because discrimination doesn’t matter, that’s why it failed. The only criteria Mr. Dunlap could prove was that the interview process had been manipulated to exclude African-American candidates, and how the scoring was different for blacks and whites. So in the essence in this theory, it was a challenge to prove it because Dunlap only had his interview Explain why the plaintiff’s disparate treatment claim succeed? The reason disparate treatment was successful was because it requires a plaintiff to demonstrate that an employer has treated some people less favorably than others because of their race, color, religion, sex or national origin. The first fact was the manipulating of the score. In this case, Dunlap was able to prove that the matrix process was pretext for discrimination. After the district court did some investigation, they found that some of sheets had been changed more than 70 times, and there was no reason what so ever for the change. Dunlap said the matrix score was manipulated to keep him out of the top ten applicants. Another reason it was a success was because William Parchman, an African-American with thirty years of experience as a boilermaker that was also rejected. He played a vital role in the suit because of the problems he encountered to become employed with TVA. He provided testimony hat he had a history of being rejected for jobs and promotions at the company. He also stated that the only reason got the boilermaker position was after he filed a complaint with the EEOC. Other facts that showed discrimination was evidence before the district court when it came to the weight given to the interview and how it was changed, questions in the interv iew was not evaluated objectively, and the scores were altered to produce a racially biased result. Bottom line is that when it comes to discrimination, it was proven in several ways, and the district court committed no error in finding disparate treatment. The court saw how discrimination was seen from different people, and Dunlap was not the only worker that felt that way. What should the TVA have done differently with regard to interviewing and selecting candidates for these jobs? When it comes to interviewing candidates, what’s should of been done differently is looking at the applicants work history thoroughly. The first thing that should have been looked at first is education. When workers have education, they are better qualified because they will know how to think outside if the box. If an applicant didn’t have the education, then TVP sould look at experience as well as work performance. When looking at experience, factors that should  be viewed are supervisory experience along with performance and safety in the workplace. In the interviewing process, things that could have been different is interviewing with one interviewer at a time. Also the questions could have been different for each interviewer so that everyone was not following the same pattern. All of the scores would be the same, but the questions would be different and give the best candidates for the job. Another thing that could have been different is having a manager present in the room to grab and check the papers when the interview is finish. By a manager being there to verifying the score, there is not chance that manipulating could happen with the scoring. If this type of approach would have been used, the selecting process would have been different because no interviewer or candidate would have the same response. But the scores would show the real qualified applicants, and they would deserve the promotion. Nothing would be bias and scores could not be altered.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Retention, human resource management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Retention, human resource management - Essay Example these localized incentives might work towards retaining the most efficient employees of the organization. The idea is not about spending more time on these incentives but lie son designing effective programs that are workable. According to the human resources’ vice president of Great American Insurance Group of Cincinnati, â€Å"We want that manager feedback, that peer-to-peer recognition. It becomes very personal† (Shepherd). Such programs also help the colleagues to be familiar with each other better. Apart form the decentralized programs and practices there are centralized programs, which applies to all the employees fitting a particular criterion. For instance, such incentives might be based upon the length of service period. Some employers however like to mix up both centralized and localized incentives for a better outcome. This again requires training of managers such that they might implement and design the incentive programs effectively. A survey reveals that a round 27 percent of the firms arrange such training programs for managers. An example is provided in case of Everett Clinic where the managers are happy with small but personal rewards, which might not be expensive but are effective. These are expressed in the form of gift cards, Caught in the Act cards, Pat on the Back cards for different levels of skills and competence. The upper level of hierarchy provides the support for such programs in both financial and no financial terms. According to the company, their employee satisfaction is around 80 percent. In fact budgetary constraint is not the only motivation behind such programs. Such retention practices encourage creativity for developing such programs some of which gain instant recognition. Employers even resort to the use of social media such as Facebook and Twitter to appreciate their efficient employees. This helps in gaining public appreciation for these employees. Thus the article mainly talks of tapping the employeesâ€℠¢

Monday, August 12, 2019

The crisis management process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

The crisis management process - Essay Example This essay stresses that management of crisis is critical to long term success of the organization. As the case of Tesco horse meat crisis reflects, the issue has moved a huge customer base of the company in the European market. In this situation the company has been putting best efforts to manage the situation with utmost professionalism and transparency. This paper makes a conclusion that according to public opinion, level of food safety is falling in the country. This is the reason behind the lack of confidence among the shoppers about the item that they are buying. Tesco has to put right such failings in order to win back consumer trust and pull back consumers’ confidence to the pre-scandal level. The company should immediately make a public declaration, over and above the promises to make investigation and refunding, that it would employ more sincere surveillance over the entire process starting from receiving supply form the suppliers, the process of production, packagin g and distribution of the products to the stores. It should also set new product standards for all the supermarkets not only in UK but around the world. This should be done in order to prevent tampering with the product in raw material stage to fully processed stage. It should also strictly follow the UK legislation of food legislation to account for all the ingredients that have been used in the product. Tesco should tighten its policies to take criminal action against the guilty that would be found responsible for breaking the law.... crisis intervention can be summarized as immediate intervention, stability, facilitating understanding, focusing on problem solving, and encouraging self-reliance (Flannery and Everly, 2000). Crisis management is an important ingredient for an organization to achieve success and following these basic principles would help in easing out its efforts. The way executives manage the communication pattern within the organization and the type of information exchanged between the organization and the stakeholders shape public perception. Public relations and media engagement are the two crucial elements of good crisis communication (Pauchant, Mitroff and Lagadec, 1991). The renowned global retailer Tesco has fallen victim to a serious scandal relating to the quality of a range of beef burgers sold by it. This is a serious stake for the company since the company’s reputation is on risk and the company is facing a slump in sale (Thomas, 2013). This article looks into the crisis communic ation maintained by the crisis management procedures followed by the company. Company overview Tesco had been established in the year 1919 in the East End in London (Tesco PLC, 2013a). A market stall owner, Jack Cohen, had set up the company with the vision of becoming â€Å"highly valued by the customers† (Tesco PLC, 2013b) served by the company. The business has grown successfully over the years and at present the company operates in 14 different countries in the world. Tesco is at present â€Å"the largest supermarket retailer in the United Kingdom† (Aaker and Mcloughlin, 2010). The company has always focused on bringing the most pleasing shopping experience for the customers and also taking the necessary actions to do the best for its employees and the community as a whole. The values